Homework: The whole concept: branding, packaging and display. Research a company from the list below that have won national and international awards for their overall retail concept. Discuss why these brands are successful by answering the questions below:
How does the company integrate packaging, branding and display to give you an all round idea of their brand?
Every product bought has a small branding with either 'Zumbo' or 'AZ' on it, showcasing to any onlookers that the product is from Zumbo. Then due to the unique shopfront and products, the customer creates a fashion statement as they walk around with a Zumbo package. Since the packaging is bold and it is clear that it is from Zumbo, and even the food is branded despite the size.The brand design itself is clean and simple, making it easily readable and identifiable due to the bright colours.
What does the brand "say" to the customer and why would someone pay more for this brand than another brand selling a similar product?
The Zumbo brand has a strong image of odd and uniqueness combined. This image is created through the exclusive products only found at Zumbo, combined with the interesting store. The products are also laid out cleanly and organised giving off a professional feel. Overall when someone buys Zumbo brand product, they buy it for the sense of exclusiveness. As any other similar product does not feel the same, as they do not carry the strong image of oddity and imagination.
What materials have they used to achieve the overall "look" and feel of the interior and what does this "say" about the company?

Zumbo focuses on how the product is seen in all views, from the shopfront, in the store and the packaging. The shop is very bold due to the unique design of the walls, drawing in customers due to reflective light that is bounced off the walls creating a glossy feel similar to the glossiness of the products sold inside. The glossy feature wall is made out of metal that has been made from a vacuum (Idea-awards.com.au, 2015), giving a unique texture and bubbly feel to the shop. Also a piece of old furniture is displayed outside. It resembles a old sofa that has been turned into a marshmallow with a waffle. The piece of furniture has a unique design and the odd vibe it has adds to the unique concept of Zumbo products. The display of the products is well light and organised, giving off a professional feel.

The packaging is usually a clean white cardboard box that fits perfectly to the product the customer purchased. The cardboard used is glossy and it feels solid, giving off a premium quality image. The brand is on the outside as well as the inside to display that the product was bought from Zumbo. The packaging is simple yet it is executed to perfection, the brand itself is not too intruding it is more subtle, allowing the products to be the main highlight.
The Zumbo brand is successful due to how much care they put into perfecting every element of their brand. The products themselves are made with extreme precision, and also question the imagination of the creator, peaking the interest of viewers. The shop is made to match the exclusive products due to the glossy feature wall, adding a unique experience to the shop as the glossiness enchants customers with a odd vibe. The packaging of the product is sharp and professional, the design is kept simple which allows the product to stand out. The brand is then showcased on the bags as they are bright orange with a large Zumbo logo on each side. Overall the Zumbo brand is successful as they create a strong unique image that surrounds the brand through perfecting every element.
Deliciousfoodandtravel.files.wordpress.com,. (2015). Retrieved 14 September 2015, from https://deliciousfoodandtravel.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/img_0430.jpg
Fatboo.com,. (2015). Retrieved 14 September 2015, from http://fatboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Adriano-Zumbo-Patisserie-South-Yarra-0705.jpg
Idea-awards.com.au,. (2015). Retrieved 14 September 2015, from http://www.idea-awards.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/heroelenburg.jpg
Idea-awards.com.au,. (2015). Adriano Zumbo Patisserie |. Retrieved 14 September 2015, from http://www.idea-awards.com.au/2014/adriano-zumbo-patisserie-3/
Melhotornot.com,. (2015). Retrieved 14 September 2015, from http://www.melhotornot.com/wp-content/uploads/Zumbo3.jpg
Morsels.com.au,. (2015). Retrieved 14 September 2015, from http://morsels.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/DSCF1437.jpg
Travellivelearn.com,. (2015). Retrieved 14 September 2015, from http://www.travellivelearn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Adriano-Zumbo-Macaroons-1024x768.jpg